Research scholars make queries while sending their research papers to Harshwardhan Publication and various periodicals and journals regarding their research papers
At present it has become an obligation to publish research papers and articles in research journals. Many teachers inspite of having enough knowledge in their respective subject can’t fulfill the demands of UGC due to their inappropriate presentation or negligence of writing skill. At present the process of sending the research article and papers have become computerized and online. Many scholars frequently make queries to us regarding their research articles and papers. Hence the following suggestions can help for writing research paper and articles.
A research paper can be written on any topic in concerning the subjects. A research paper comprises such as abstract, introduction, word pattern, review of literature, analysis and bibliography. Vidyawarta publish articles and research papers in all subject and in all faculties.
Computerized typed matter of articles be sent only by e-mail to in Pagemaker or MS-word format file. Please don't sent PDF, scanned pages or photos pages. Articles be sent using their own e-mail ID.
For Hindi and Marathi, use DVB-TT-Surekh or Kruti Dev 055 or shreelipi 708, size 14, normal setting. In case of the use of graphs, maps, pictures and tables all be used in the right places and in appropriate setting. Articles may be written in 3000 word (5-6) pages. After fulfilling all these formalities you may contact the editor, Bapu Gholap.
1) Write your full name, Address, Pin code, Mob. No. Email ID. etc.
2) Make sure whether your email has been received or not to Vidyawarta.
3) You may deposit the amount of the number of copies you required.
4) Send the receipt of the deposited fee on whatsaap or email.
5) The research paper should be unpublished, complete and correct in all aspects.
6) Undertaking form should be filled in with own handwriting or Online
8) Mention the name of the journal
(ie. Printing Area, Vidyawarta you want to publish your article.)
- ISSN Assigned (2319-9318)
- Refreed Journal
- Impact factor (5.011)
- Indexed (IIJIF)
- University Recommended
- Regd. Trademark- Govt. of India.
- Reputed
- Print format and Online.
- Monthly published
- Peer-reviewed
- that the work has not been published before (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture, review or thesis)
- that the work is not under consideration elsewhere
- that copyright has not been breached in seeking its publication
- that the publication has been approved by all co-authors and responsible authorities at the institute or organization where the work has been carried out
For example:
- are translations of previously published articles acceptable?
- are extended versions of conference proceedings acceptable?
In these cases the author is expected to give full disclosure for transparency reasons but it could also be necessary for the author to seek approval from the original publisher.
It should also be noted that different disciplines have different expectations. When authors cross over to other disciplines, make sure they are aware of the explicit policies of the journal in order to manage their expectations. Please note there are no universally agreed rules or regulations.